Idea launched its 3G services in India 19 may’2010 when its auction has been done. Idea paid around Rs.5769 crores for providing its 3G services in 11 circles of India which includes state like Punjab, goa, himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh both east as well as west. Idea launched its 3G services after its competitor and major players of telecom world like Tata docomo, airtel, Vodafone, Aircel and reliance communication has already launched it. Thus, it becomes sixth telecom industry to launch 3G in India.
The 3G services by idea are available in 200 towns of India within those 11 circles where idea launched its 3G services. Recently idea plan to increase its 3G services and hoping to launch it in 4000 towns of India by the end of year 2012. “What an idea sirji?” This line is appropriately right when it’s come to idea 3G services. Ideas have come up with so many existing 3G plans that we all are going to love it. This time you can say that idea has think in a different manner for launching their 3G plans and services.
Idea has come up with four types of different plans for their customers when its comes to 3G services and they are sachet plans for those who want to taste 3G services, usage based plans for those who want to choose their plans themselves according to their need. The other two plans are time-based plan and the USD dongle tariffs. In sachet plan you can choose the plan for Rs.8 or Rs.10 in which you can use 10KB data by paying 110 paisa or 310 paisa for 10KB usage. The validity of these plans is 10 or 50 days.
Next come is the usage based plans which you people surely want to go with. In this usage based plans idea ranges its plan from Rs.103 to Rs.1275 and also you will get free data to use in these plans. Usage Based Plans has its initial plan for Rs. 103 in which you will get data of 100MB and after the usage of 100MB you will charge Rs.10 paisa for 10KB. Next come up the plan for Rs.200, Rs.450, Rs.650 and Rs.750 in which you will get the free usage of 250MB, 600MB, 1280MB, 2048MB and after that you will be charged at 10 paisa for every 10KB used. The highest plan in this category is for Rs.1275 in which you will get 5120MB for free usage and other will be charged to you at the rate of Rs. 10 paisa for every 10 MB used.
Next come the time based plan in which you will be charged according to your use for a particular period of time. For example- like with the recharge of Rs.45 you will get 30 minutes usage of 3G plan by idea and after that you will be charged Rs. 3 per minute. The validity of this plan is for 1 day. In USB dongle tariffs you can get variety of plans to choose from. You can have the plan for Rs.599, Rs.750 and Rs.1275 for the usage of 1GB, 2GB and 5GB for free and after that you will be charged 5 paisa for every 10KB used.
The Online idea recharge feature is now easily available for you at, which gives you an opportunity to enjoy Online Recharge facility sitting at home or office.
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