Wednesday, January 19, 2011

WISE telescope of NASA has revealed a beautiful space photo of two different galaxies in a single shot marvelous image.

image of two galaxies in one shot. Credit NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA

The WISE telescope of NASA has revealed a beautiful space photo of two different galaxies in a single shot. Now that is what I call marvelous.

Though both are spiral galaxies, one beams a bright yellow light from the host of baby stars it is forming at a tremendous rate. The other calmer galaxy is stately blue.

The pair called Messier 81 and Messier 82 was swept by each other in a near collision a few million years ago. They are still close enough to feel a mutual gravitational attraction and scientists expect that they will eventually merge and become a single galaxy.

According to Ned Wright principal investigator of WISE “What’s unique about the WISE view is that we can see both galaxies in one shot and we can really see their differences because the Cigar galaxy (Messier 82) is really bright in infrared and looks dramatically different from its less active companion.” (The Messier 81 also known as the Bode’s galaxy).

Because of the messier 82’s furious star formation it is also called star-burst galaxy. ( I have repeated WISE a hundred times and so what does it stands for) WISE- Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer was launched in December 2009 to survey the entire sky in infrared light.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I wish I could see the pic. I think there is a problem with the photo.
